Show Fucking Finger to The World and Do What You Always Wanted to Do!

should I do what I want

The day you start ignoring the people who put you done, that day onwards the distance between you and your success would be closer, reduce drastically and prove beneficial, no matter what!

#1. Follow your dreams, without a doubt!

We have all come a long way trapped in the social barriers and the never ending qualms of the people all around us. Everything we do in our lives, right from the choice of clothes, our dressing sense, to our hobbies, friends circle and so much more, is right under the scanner by the people around us. May I ask you a simple question that comes in mind?

#2. Who the hell are they?

We all have some point or the other given up a lot of imperative aspects in life, feeling guilty and thirsty to stay within the social norms of our society. We often end up giving up a lot of our desires and dreams for the people who pressurize us with societal set of laws. They mostly claim to be our well-wishers, friends, relatives etc. But hell really? Are they really worried? In fact not at all.

#3. Why are we all guilty?

All our lives, we throw away many good moments and opportunities, thinking about what people would think about us. We become what people around us expect from us; rather we shall be more focused upon maintaining our individuality and stand out in the crowd. Instead of pursuing, our goals and aspirations, we spend most of the time, thinking about ways to please the rest. It starts right at school; we do all that it takes to be in the good books of the teachers. Then our parents take control, later on, friends, spouse, children, marriage, responsibilities and the chain goes on and on!

#4. It has to stop!

Writing and reading about all of this might be a bit overwhelming and frustrating in it. Consider its impact when we actually do that in life and how negatively it affects us. Life certainly has no meaning, if it just doesn’t involve you. I mean it’s your life and you shall be the hero of it. It must revolve around your dreams, even if it offers its own share of highs and lows. Stop being that spineless creature and row in the direction of wind, as it takes you. Common, pull up your socks, gear up, take a stand and outshine the others. You are special in your own way, so stop others to dictate you and carve your very own path.

#5. This is the day when you stop giving a fuck!

Become stubborn, in order to stop people’s emotions and tactics to work upon you. Become focused in your goals and then let nothing to come in your way. We completely understand that your goal and expectation from life need not be really big. Some might have high hopes, desires and aspirations in life, while the others might just desire a quite life, closer to an art form may be. The choice is all yours and you are the key to it.

Life will become all the more worth living, feel great at the same time become all the more memorable once you would pursue your desires. Life shall be unexpected but there are chances that you will also get new opportunities. Your dreams are an extension to taking risk, take them, learn from them and get alive.

#6. They’re people, they would always say, just ask them to shut!

You must always love what you do in life and love your life for what you do. Even if you desire to be a home maker and take care of your family, there is simply nothing and no one to put you down for it. There are many people around us that might lack the clarity, courage and determination in their own life and they simply cannot see the others evolving. So better stays clear of such people and simply kick them out of your life.

The path you choose might not always be the safest one. But it would be surest certainly. You might make a lot of mistakes, actually a plenty of them may be. But certainly don’t give the others to judge your choice or give comments. If this path is closest to your heart, then this is the one and you must go for it. It shall be worth every risk!

There are many people who pretend to be well wishers and make you choose the easier and conventional path in life. However, believe in yourself and make it hard enough to let the world come and agree with your life. Become indispensible, unstoppable and prove them all wrong!

Remember, at the end of it, you cannot please them all!