Tit For Tat: How To Take Revenge On Your Boyfriend

Revenge On Boyfriend

It’s Friday, and I decide to go out with my boyfriend. Whilst we had a romantic drive over the flyover, we got into a heated argument.

Well what was it?

I wanna have pizzas!
No! Burgers!

This is what the argument was all about! Conflict of opinion! He loved burgers while I loved pizzas!

Let’s go to some flashback, two years ago when I first started dating him —

Hey what do you love to eat?
I would love to order a pizza!

Oh my god! What a coincidence, even I love pizza!

This is where it all began, but now he loves burgers! Ah don’t you just hate it when someone lies to you and draws you into loving them and then end up showing their true colors!

If my boyfriend eats a sandwich, should I eat one?

Every li’l thing gets annoying as hell. We fight, act irrational kick each other out and would plot 101 ways to murder them in our brain!

All you want is revenge!

Hold on, did you just think of chopping your partner/ex into little pieces! Well, I will be taking up the nonviolent path and help you all to avenge the unfair thing that has happened to ya all.

#1 Career. Invest your time on your career, be the best you can ever be out there. Let your partner/ex see how well you’re growing and feel jealous of what they missed out!

Create good energy for yourself, go out, build your network, and make yourself proud. Unleash the beast within and set yourself on the path of happiness again by doing what makes you happy and by doing what you love to do.

#2 Be kind. You both were in love with each other. Don’t forget that and act all cranky when you meet them again. Being kind is the best revenge for someone who has dumped us.

It’ll make them feel guilty as ever that they’ve let go of someone so kind and beautiful and they’re gonna regret of hurting you. Be peaceful when you happen to cross by each other’s path.

#3 Stop caring. Don’t make time for each other, I guess this is the best revenge ever. If you show you don’t care anymore, probably over the social sites, instant messaging services! Just ignore them. Do not, I repeat do not invest your time asking them about their whereabouts and if they need some help. Just disappear, let them miss you.

#4 Look good. Many men/women go into depression, be in poor shape due to bad eating habits and stress. Please take a moment to stop, love yourself and see if you haven’t taken that gifted body of yourself for granted. Hit the gym if needed, shed the pounds and look fantastic! That’s the best revenge ever.

#5 Let karma do its work. Just sit back and relax, you don’t need all that stress do you? Just burn off everything that will hit back your brain from the good old memories of the past. Your real goal is to find a happy life and you won’t find it if you’re going to be angry and frustrated over your ex forever!

Move on, be happy for the gifted life you’ve been given and let karma do its work!